Thursday, February 11, 2010

Good students, good times!

This session seems to be exceptionally good as far as students and their attitude/motivation/abilities are concerned (not all of them of course, but the majority...). One thing that is most obvious is that students seem to be having fun with language! They're playing with language, they're taking risks and they sometimes have hilarious results. Nevertheless, playing with language is so important for language learning, especially for students from a teacher-centered background (China, Japan, etc).

Here are some gems:

Student: "Thank you, sir"!
Me: "Uhm, did you just call me sir"?
Student: "Yes, sir!"
me: "Why are you calling me sir"?
Student: "Because, teacher, you are like man! Very powerful!"

me: "Hey studentxy, how old are you?"
StudentXY: " 20, teacher! How old are you?"
me: "28!"
StudentXY: " Oh, noooo!!!! You look younger! Teacher, I give you discount, you know 21!"